How to convert your data to jsonb?
05 Jun 2016“How to start” is always a difficult question, and jsonb
isn’t an exception.
Here are few notes about converting different types of data into jsonb
, that
someone can find useful.
Basically there are three possible cases of data conversion:
- Convert data from inside PostgreSQL
- Convert data from other database
- Convert plain data outside database
From inside PostgreSQL
First of all we shouldn’t forget we can build data in jsonb
format manually:
select '{"id": 1, "data": "aaa"}'::jsonb;
{"id": 1, "data": "aaa"}
select jsonb_build_object('id', 1, 'data', 'aaa');
{"id": 1, "data": "aaa"}
If we already have some relational data we can easy perform one-to-one conversion for both complex and simple data types:
select to_jsonb(timestamp '2016-06-05');
select to_jsonb(ARRAY[1, 2, 3]);
[1, 2, 3]
select to_jsonb('id=>1, data=>"aaa"'::hstore);
{"id": "1", "data": "aaa"}
Don’t forget that jsonb
is just a valid textual json, so all values will be
converted to number, string, boolean or null.
And if we want to produce a really complex and well-structured jsonb
from large amount of relational data, jsonb_agg
is our friend. This
function can transform a recordset into the format column_name: record_value
select jsonb_agg(query) from (
select id, data
from jsonb_table
) query;
[{"id": 1, "data": "aaa"}, {"id": 2, "data": "bbb"}]
From other database
Again there are two options how to import data from another database:
- Import right in the json format as plain data (see following section)
- Import as relational data and then convert from inside PostgreSQL as in previous section
And in any case you should create all indices and make sure they’re correct. Let’s see few examples:
We can easily create a json dump of MongoDB database and then load it with minimal modifications:
$ mongoexport \
--db database_name \
--collection collection_name \
--jsonArray \
-out dump.json
But you should be aware of specific data types, since BSON isn’t 100%
compatible with textual json. To be more precise I’m talking about
, data_date
, data_timestamp
, data_regex
, data_oid
etc, see
documentation). E.g. when you’ll create a dump of collection
with data_date
field, you’ll get something like this:
"created_at": {
"$date": 1445510017229
and you may decide to move this value one level up or keep this structure.
There is also another interesting option, which is related to the ToroDB.
ToroDB is an open source project that turns your RDBMS into a MongoDB-compatible server, supporting the MongoDB query API and MongoDB’s replication, but storing your data into a reliable and trusted ACID database.
So it’s like NoSQL over RDBMS. You can setup ToroDB as a hidden read-only
replica of a MondoDB replica set. Then when you’ll be ready you can examine
ToroDB data structure and convert it into jsonb
as in previous section.
Speaking about indices - it’s possible to cover good amount of queries using
GIN index for jsonb
column, but since it available only for small list of
operators, you should probably add separate indices for range queries.
data type format in MySQL is pretty close to PostgreSQL, we can even use
to convert one into another:
$ mysqldump \
--compact \
--compatible=postgresql \
database_name \
table_name | sed -e 's/\\\"/"/g' > dump.sql
$ cat ./dump.sql
/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
CREATE TABLE "table_name" (
"data" json DEFAULT NULL
/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
INSERT INTO "table_name" VALUES ('{"aaa": 1, "bbb": 2}'),('{"aaa": 3, "bbb": 4}'),('{"aaa": 5, "bbb": 6}');
$ psql < dump.sql
Just be careful about double quotes escaping and that’s it.
From plain data
And finally we have an option to import plain json data into PostgreSQL. But
imagine a situation, when we need to process not so well formatted data. Since
should strictly follow the json format, what can we do in that case?
It depends on how badly our document is broken. If document structure is
preserved, but there are some issues with formatting (one quote instead of
double or even without quotes, no commas and so on), it’s possible to fix it
using (oh my gosh) node.js
and more precisely the json5 extension and
the corresponding library:
// format.js
var JSON5 = require('json5');
var stdin = process.stdin;
var stdout = process.stdout;
var inputChunks = [];
stdin.on('data', function (chunk) {
stdin.on('end', function () {
var inputData = inputChunks.join();
var outputData = inputData
.filter(function(input) {
if(input) {
return true;
.map(function(input) {
var parsed = JSON5.parse(input);
var output = JSON.stringify(parsed);
return output;
$ cat data.json | node format.js > data_formatted.json
=# COPY table_name(jsonb_column_name) from 'data_formatted.json'
But if document structure is broken too - nothing can help, we need to fix it manually using one of json linters.